5 Top Tips for Event Promoters

Hey everyone!  Since we are now in the middle of carnival preparation season, event promoters and committees are in the early stages of planning and producing their upcoming fetes and events of various kinds. The points raised are but a few of the areas that touch and concern the business of events however I have chosen to focus on the five that I have noticed most frequently arise in disputes. I do hope that you find it useful, please share as I believe that knowledge is power and is the key to strengthening the business dealings in our creative sector!


Carla Parris is an Entertainment & Sports Lawyer with a Masters Degree in Entertainment Law. She has 12 years practical experience in the creative sector with a client base spanning the music, sports,film, fashion and broadcast sector. Apart from running her law practice, she has participated in 14  local and regional conferences in the area of creative sector development has  developed a series in the Business Guardian over the past two years which is run during carnival time and has appeared on several local TV and radio stations discussing the importance of intellectual property law to the business of creative and sporting sectors.